Planning To Go Fully Niche?

Planning To Go Fully Niche?

You have probably come across hundreds of articles on niching down. One of those topics that have been covered extensively by creatives and the likes on how to pick out a niche, an identity then build on it. This blog is my creative outlet more than anything. I enjoy sharing my random stories and just letting my thoughts wander while spreading awareness on a particular topic. My randomness does not appreciate being boxed in. Currently, my blog is a reflection of my varied interests.

Niching down, to me, means stripping me of what I may equally like to just to focus on one type of content. I feel I can comfortably write just about anything if I put my mind to it. Especially if it’s picked from my one of passion hats. Back in the day the answer for “so what do you write about” would be “stuff” but you see you can’t be all things to everyone.

My mantra is making work easier for myself as much as possible, always. And I do that alright. Until Google asks to sum up what type of blog this is. Or some blog planner asks me to specify my readers. Then I retreat. I just don’t know yet, you know. But it’s 2018 I should know and it sucks that I don’t. All I know is this is a Parenting and Productivity blog incorporated into my Lifestyle. Close enough? You are meant to niche further down. Truth is I may not ready for that.

Vlogging is the poster child for bucking the niching down trend. Just have a fancy camera in front of you and show us your day to day. No new rules. Nothing. Blogging, however, is quite structured even claiming you are a lifestyle blogger as a catch-all is not enough. You ought to amplify your important voice for maximum effect.


Specialize vs Diversify 

In Specializing:

Readers click to your site knowing you provide insight on one thing that interests them as well.
Quality engagements nurture relationships and strengthen bonds.
Competition reduces slightly
Increased visibility and this can only improve your online presence.
Improved reader loyalty and referrals. It’s easier to find your audience who in turn trust your work.
Streamlining your writing can eventually make you an authority on the subject matter, honing your expertise. Thereby gaining brand recognition.

In Diversifying:

No serious strategies or structures in place.

No limits. You forge your own path without being ‘fenced in’

Prospects are not turned away.


So how do you know you should go fully niche?

It is said You should pick 30 ideas for your preferred niche and if you are excited to write 30 posts on the same, you are ready.

A few questions to get you started…

Who is my ideal blog reader & want do I want to teach them?
Do other blogs exist in this niche?
Are there lots of content opportunities in this niche?
Can I see myself writing about this topic for the foreseeable future?
Can I make money with this niche? (Apparently the rich is in the niche)
Are there other bloggers in this niche making money?
What type of audience will be interested in this niche?


After taking that test I noticed my read-write love for anything Parenting, Rustic Interiors, Good Food, Fancy Hair, Culture, DIYs, Self Help types, all that good stuff. I am as multidimensional as the next person. But this is no longer just about me. How do you hope your reader will describe your blog? Having varied interests doesn’t mean they all belong in your blog. For as long as that rings true, I need to settle on One or two topics. Send Help.

Except. This is good. You don’t have to figure everything out at once as blogging is well, a journey. Writing is a journey in itself. Flexibility with content is allowed as you figure out what really brings out your passion 6 months down the line. Some of our best opportunities and ideas don’t present until later.  

One thing writing has brought back to my life is the pleasant feeling I am immersed in when generating ideas effortlessly. It feels oh so good to be the constant stream of an idea machine once again. Bring ideas to life is everyone’s creative dream. You can only hope the well runs deep.

The niching down process

1/ Create a mindmap of blogging ideas by choosing say 3 topics

2/ Divide them into subtopics and then micro topics.

3/ Write 5 blog ideas on each microtopic.

4/ Create an editorial calendar to plan the posting ahead. Google calendar works just fine.




5/ Spread them however you like. Scheduling posts has truly made my writing easier.

6/ Pay attention to how you feel when writing them. Note the ones that had a feel-good factor and the ones that consume all of your time.

7/ Within 3 to 6 months you can figure out which articles you actually want to continue writing about. Refocus.


That’s my carefully curated template for my next blog venture which hopefully will come into life. What’s Yours?


Sidenote – Had an epiphany while writing this. And what a better way to make informed realizations and decisions mid blogging. Ha. Never give up the delight of choosing your own adventure.  








  1. March 6, 2018 / 9:50 am


    • lila
      March 7, 2018 / 6:32 pm

      Thank You LVB.

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