I have been beating myself up on what that first post after my very long hiatus would look like when it was right there, right there! Vision boards.
These are newspaper and magazine cuttings that I found interesting back then, collected them and put them in one board to make sense of my visions.
Do vision boards work? Visualization is one of the strongest ways to manifest your desires. Vision boards help you to visually identify your goals in one place and motivate you anytime you look at them to achieve them or work towards them.
I still have a batch stored somewhere.

Visions broken down

And it goes on…
Yes resolutions do fail, visions remain that, visions. All because we do not put in that much effort into achieving them. So this time we do things differently. We shall be intentional with our thoughts and actions. Of course, the goals may have changed or matured right now but the end goal is the same. I plan to break them into Weekly and Monthly tasks or projects with the help of productivity apps such as Habits, Ticktick, Trello, to hold me accountable and then… live it.
You could also draw inspiration from the magical space that is Pinterest for their monthly and weekly boards. Celebrate the month that was, take note of the highlights and accomplishments. Envision what you want for this month, narrow your focus. It could be on physical health, mental health, work, money, relationships or personal enrichment. Basically, prioritize. Then write down a list of steps to take towards achieving the vision. All is left for you is to do it.
To keep the focus on your visual boards:
- Share your goal with a friend (Derek Silvers would strongly object)
- Put reminders for your tasks (no snoozing lol) only postpone something if you’re going to do it better
- Post that Monthly Lean gains pic
- Track your calories if you can
- Hydrate.
- Have a morning run buddy
- Gratitude journal to document the small wins to steer you on
- Actively search for motivation tools to keep you going such as visiting a bookstore to get you out of that reading rut
- Do monthly reports on your progress at work or in your business
- Set aside time during the weekend to reflect on the week that was and plan for the week ahead
- Partake in the 52 weeks savings challenge
- Be firm, consistent and patient
- Pick a suitable starter like meditation to kick-start your day
- Take timeouts when it gets overwhelming
- Make mistakes. Learn. Heavily Reset.
Anyone else copped that Lana Shlafer Strategic Planner? That workbook has helped me streamline my act in ways I never thought it would. Which brings me to Trello.
I am assuming you all use/know it but for those who don’t, it’s the Pinterest for your Sticky notes. Comes with reminders too. Go ahead and organize your entire life there. Some would say Taskworld is better but it’s all about what works for you. Even the good old pen and paper.
Happy 2018 folks!