On the Spectrum of Transparency and Accountability | Day 10/30

What do you do if you are stuck on your bad first draft, trying to fix it with no real progress? You try another topic. At least that’s what I do. But what if there are prompts laid out that…

My talk to Teens on Blogging would go something like this | Day 9/30

From the survey we took earlier in the morning, it’s evident you have access to data and spend most of your time online. Snapchat, Instagram, Youtube and newcomer Tik Tok are the top sites you visit regularly. So today’s talk…

The Cautionary Tale of Modern Technology | Day 8/30

Technology is neither a curse nor a blessing. It is a tool that gets us by, with varying degrees of the lengths it can take to get us by.  Like with any tool, it can be used or abused.    …

What’s on My Phone? | Day 7/30

This is a list of Apps that are highly essential in keeping my life organized and interesting – and they might help you too. Can you name the first 5 apps on your home screen that you can’t really live…

Why I Started Blogging | Day 6/30

Life grants you a restart every time you hit reset. It doesn’t ask why. It offers you space to ask why not? I started blogging around 2011. I restarted blogging in 2018. Both with different outlooks. Both with an immense…

The Business of Podcast Networks in Africa | Day 5/30

Suppose I had a huge pile of money lying around, possibly from the jackpot (remember the jackpot?) I got or from a venture capital-funded by this wealthy investor I was connected with at a Podcast conference somewhere in Nairobi. Better…

Deciding to Be Better at Something | Day 4/30

I bet there’s that one person in your life who seems to have figured out this life thing with ease. They accomplish things in good time, are very self-assured, play an instrument or two, indulge in physical activities every single…

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