Deciding to Be Better at Something | Day 4/30

Deciding to Be Better at Something | Day 4/30
This entry is part 4 of 30 in the series 2019 BLOG CHALLENGE

I bet there’s that one person in your life who seems to have figured out this life thing with ease. They accomplish things in good time, are very self-assured, play an instrument or two, indulge in physical activities every single day, sustain deep connections with friends or sometimes strangers, excel in their careers and they still find time to learn several skills at a time. They have it all. Or do they?

Every chance at self-improvement or deciding to be better at something is what we should aim for. No one has everything figured out.

Here are 3 things I wish I would do really well:


When somebody says women are great at multitasking, point them to my direction, I’ll take it up from there. I pride myself in mastering a lot of things but multitasking is not one of them. As I grow older, the demands to do certain things outweigh the action itself. Every effort to do them at the same time has been thwarted by who’s in charge anyway?

So, of course, this comes at a cost when I’m really trying to manage my time well. Once upon a time, I thought I’d finish reading 3 different Parenting books at one go. Eventually, I got overwhelmed so I went back to what I do best, which is taking things one step at a time. I wish I would know how to multitask really well though and clear the pile of overdue tasks once and for all. Perhaps then I would actually get time to relax after a long day.

Writing Consistently

One of the reasons I took up this challenge was to see if I can still write and publish consistently when it’s required of me. I have a well thought out editorial calendar that I use to curate and schedule my content ideas. But when it comes to actually sitting down with my thoughts, give meaning to the words in writing and do it every single day, for some reason it feels like the most difficult thing to do. We are in day 4 of the blogging challenge and it’s starting to dawn on me that I can actually pull this off. Write daily, publish daily.  I want to go back to that time in my life when I would practise Morning Pages but for public consumption. The first thing I would do when I woke up was to put down my random thoughts longhand, one page at a time.

Living in the Moment

I have a permanent residence in my head. Worry has monopolized my mind perhaps way more than the average person to actually enjoy special or joyful moments these days. Any other day I would blame it on my anxiety or even adulting but not today. Today I want to allow myself a moment to feel. To get out of my head and into the moment. To embrace all the good feels and not feel guilty or out of time.

What are you working on?

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